Thursday, September 15, 2011

40 tips for an eco-friendly home

The decision to be eco-friendly can seem like a big commitment but we have collected the top tips from some home and garden experts on how to make changes that help protect the environment — without having to learn a whole new way of life at the same time.
Keep your home spick and span without harming the Earth with these tips from Enjo founder Barb De Corti:
1. Use fibre technology cloths and naturally derived cleaning products.
2. Don't use electricity to clean - steam mops, vacuum cleaners and dustbusters can easily be replaced with microfibre sweepers and mops.
3. Make your own natural cleaning products. White vinegar is a great degreaser, bicarb soda can be used as an abrasive and salt is a natural scourer.
With proper window treatments able to preserve up to 20 per cent of total heat, Karen Thomas, of fabric specialist Innovation, recommends using an insulating, lined curtain and ensuring a close fit on both sides and the top of the window.
Cameron Burbridge, from bathroomware retailer Gro Agencies, recommends replacing leaking taps, single-flush toilets and inefficient showerheads with WELS-rated products (the more stars the better).
Eco-friendly paints contain fewer harmful chemical compounds, according to Marilyn Tuna, of paint manufacturer Bauwerk. For a list of green-approved suppliers, visit the Good Environmental Choice Australia website:
Spiros Scafidas, of Kitchen Headquarters in Osborne Park, shares some eco-friendly appliance secrets:
8. Fan-forced ovens are the most energy efficient while induction is the best option for cooktops because it cooks the fastest.
9. Microwaves can cut energy consumption by up to two-thirds - check out the new range of "combi" ovens that work as both oven and microwave.
10. Eco-efficient dishwashers are becoming popular as technology improves, with some using less water than handwashing dishes in the sink.
To minimise pressure on mains water, Nathan Yardley, from Total Eden, suggests speaking to an expert about installing a greywater system or plumbing a rainwater tank to your toilets.
Your choice of furnishing materials can have a big impact on the overall sustainability of your home. According to Ms Thomas, natural products like cotton - which many believe to be eco-friendly - take an enormous amount of water to produce, while materials like hemp and bamboo can grow in almost arid conditions.
Elisabeth Budjak, of Lightingales in Claremont, recommends compact fluorescent lightbulbs - which use significantly less power and have a longer lifespan than regular bulbs - and LED lighting. The average LED light will last 30 or more years, meaning less waste.
During the warmer months, always close curtains during the day, says Natalie Curtis, from Synergy, as sunlight coming through the windows will heat the house. Conversely, keep curtains open in winter when it is sunny because this will allow natural warmth into the house.
Wondering how green your household is? Arrange a home star-rating consultation with Alinta Assist, which Alinta's Ray Myles says involves an environmental expert assessing the way you use water, waste, energy and transport, then providing you with a personalised rating and action plan to help reduce your eco-footprint. Phone 1800 288 226 or see
Use ceiling fans at low speed or on the winter setting, suggests Ms Curtis - this lessens the workload of your heating or cooling system by helping to circulate the warm or cool air.
Walls and windows contribute significantly to the amount of energy we use heating and cooling our interiors, according to John Cleary, from EnergySmartWindows. Try these tips to maximise your home's thermal efficiency:
17. Mr Cleary recommends double-glazed windows and aluminium frames with a thermal break.
18. Stuart Carson, of Australasian Insulation Supplies, advises draught-sealing your home and ensuring there is adequate ceiling insulation.
When sourcing furnishings and fittings, Ms Cameron advocates recycled materials, which represent less manufacturing and production costs to the environment compared with new or custom-made products. She says there is a recycled option for virtually everything, from reclaimed kitchens and flooring to furniture from antique stores and auctions.
20. ON OR OFF?
According to Ms Curtis, you should switch LEDs on and off as you exit and enter a room but leave fluoro lights on, as it takes 30 seconds for them to power up.
Ms Curtis says it is important to ensure your air-conditioner is in shape for next summer:
21. Clean the filters to ensure the air-conditioner is running at its most efficient and clean the outdoor unit regularly as leaves and other debris will tend to reduce its efficiency.
22. Install the outdoor unit on the shady side of your home, and ensure there's adequate ventilation as ventilation is the key to efficiency.
23. Set it to 20C in winter and 24C in summer as these are livable temperatures and don't start your unit very high or low - turn it on early in the day to allow it to reach your preferred temperature slowly.
Colin Wright, from Energypak solar systems, says investing in renewable energy sources is a sensible way to reduce your home's eco-footprint.
24. If sourcing power from a renewable energy system, register for the Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme with Synergy and sell back excess energy that may be generated.
25. It is important to choose the correct sized solar-power system because your home is eligible for the Federal Government solar-power subsidy only once and upgrading can be expensive. Allow for future increases in the electricity tariff or major changes to your home (for example, the addition of a swimming pool or air-conditioning).
26. The Federal subsidy is being phased out over the coming years, so if you are thinking about investing in a solar system, act soon. In July the subsidy will be reduced by 20 per cent, which will add about $1000 to a 1.5kW system.
Ms Curtis offers the following tips for eco-friendly outdoor areas:
28. Plant deciduous instead of evergreen trees on the north side of your home because they shade the home in summer but drop leaves in winter.
29. Avoid paving directly in front of north windows, as bricks will reflect heat into the house in summer.
The Water Corporation's Ben Jarvis has these tips for an eco-friendly garden:
30. Don't over-fertilise - nutrients not taken up by plants may enter the stormwater and groundwater systems and eventually our waterways.
31. Plant natives or plants suited to the climate because they require less fertiliser and water.
32. Apply soil-wetting agents because they break down water resistance and allow water to get to the roots where it is needed. Also use soil improver to increase your garden's drought resistance and mulch to reduce evaporation.
Minimise water use with this advice from Mr Yardley:
33. Use automatic irrigation connected to a rain sensor - the sensor will stop the watering if there has been sufficient rain.
34. Irrigation systems need to be maintained to work correctly so check the controller, pop-up sprinklers and garden irrigation regularly.
Synthetic grass can save more than 73,000 litres of water a year over 50sqm of lawn, says Justin Everley, from Green Planet Grass.
"Other environmental benefits include the elimination of all pesticides, fertilisers and chemicals on natural grass and the reduction in use of fuel-powered maintenance equipment like lawn mowers."
New products make it easy to save water and energy around your pool.
36. Diane Doust, of PoolWerx, recommends upgrading to a water-efficient filter, such as a cartridge filter, or replacing a sand filter with glass media, a smart water-approved product that can be purchased from most pool retailers. These last longer and require less backwashing than sand filters, saving about 25 per cent of water.
37. Mark Portbury, of Zodiac Pools, says a multi-speed pump with a DC motor will pay itself off in less than two years via reduced energy bills. It is also quieter, meaning you can use it in off-peak times without disturbing the neighbourhood. By October they will be mandatory on all new pools.
38. Cleaning: Ms Doust recommends HydroSpin, a pre-filter cleaning device that reduces by half the amount of water consumed when cleaning the filtration system.
39. Check the plumbing around valves and pipe joiners for leaks, and install a pool cover to reduce up to 95 per cent of evaporation and reduce chemical usage.
Don't dismiss greener living as too hard or expensive, says Ms De Corti - even making small changes in your household habits can make a positive impact.

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